The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

I went to Penn State online for 4 years. I decided it was about time I saw my campus. I graduated in December 2008, but decided to walk the stage in the Spring 2009 commencement ceremony. What an experience! My son Mike flew in from Colorado, my husband Tom and some close friends, Kathy, Steve, Amber and Mike and my sister Gail all came to Penn State so I could graduate on stage. We stayed overnight in a dorm, visited the bookstore and walked around the campus. We went to the Inferno and Hooters to celebrate. We had the best time and everyone was so friendly. I did not realize my University was so large and there was so many students attending the school. It is hard to imagine, that many students and the World Wide Web students all going to Penn State, no wonder my teachers did not always get my homework corrected quickly. I am grateful and honored to be a Penn State graduate and alumni. I hope to begin work as a Diet Tech in the near future at St James. Thank you Cheryl Dobson